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Archive for November 1, 2012

Happy All Saints Day! November 1st, 2012

Happy All Saints Day!

Through the celebration of all the saints, known and unknown, the Catholic Church honors theinnumerable living and luminous witnesses of Christ. “All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity” (C.C.C §2013). But how can we experience this “intimate union with Christ”?

The way of perfection passes by way of the Cross. There is no holiness without renunciation and spiritual battle. The children of our holy mother the Church rightly hope for the grace of final perseverance and the recompense of God their Father for the good works accomplished with his grace in communion with Jesus” (C.C.C §2015-2016).

C.C.C: Catechism of the Catholic Church